June 2009
Past Event
2009 Bradley Symposium: Making Conservatism Credible Again

2009 Bradley Symposium: Making Conservatism Credible Again

Past Event
St. Regis Hotel
June 02, 2009
Default Event Image
June 2009
Past Event

923 16th Steet NW
Washington, DC 20006

Governor Mitch Daniels,


Rep. Paul Ryan,


Rich Lowry,

Editor, <i>National Review</i>

Yuval Levin,

Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and future editor of the soon-to-debut public policy journal <i>National Affairs</i>

Arthur Brooks,

President of the American Enterprise Institute

Many pundits today suggest that conservative ideas have been consigned to the ash heap of history, and that the only important political question we face is how dramatic America's turn toward liberalism will be. But even in these tough times, some conservatives have managed not only to reaffirm their beliefs, but to find success with the electorate as well.

The 2009 Bradley Symposium featured two such officials, reflecting on ways American conservatism can be made credible once again: Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN).

Commenting on their presentations were two of conservatism's most thoughtful young writers and analysts, Yuval Levin, of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and future editor of the soon-to-debut public policy journal National Affairs, and Rich Lowry of National Review. The session was moderated by the new president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks.

Program and Panel

8:30 a.m.
Registration, breakfast buffet

Welcome by Hudson Institute’s William Schambra

Presentation by Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI)

Introduction by Arthur Brooks, American Enterprise Institute

Presentation by Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN)

Commentary by Yuval Levin, Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Rich Lowry, National Review

Question-and-answer session


To Request Further Information

To request further information on this event or the Bradley Center, please contact Krista Shaffer at (202) 974-2424 or email Krista

Media Mentions

June 3

Mitch Daniels on 'Making Conservatism Credible Again' Mark Hemingway, National Review Online's The Corner

-blogged by HolyCoast.com's Rick Moore
-blogged by GOP12.com's Christian Heinze

"GOP Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels says empathy, humility needed for conservative revival" Henry Jackson, Associated Press

-blogged by Hoosierpundit's Scott Fluhr

-blogged by Jeremy Jacobs of TheHill.com's Briefing Room "2012 Watch: Daniels says lefties are meanies":http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/35032-2012-watch-danie…

-picked up by the Chicago Tribune, the LA Times, the StarTribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul), the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Miami Herald, Forbes.com, and the Huffington Post among many news outlets.

Mitch Daniels slams 'shock and awe statism'
Zachary Abrahamson, Politico

When Empathy's a Good Thing
Alex Koppelman, Salon.com's War Room

Party of Hope?
Lewis McCrary, The American Conservative

Daniels Charts Recovery Course for Conservatives
Maureen Groppe, Gannett News Service and IndyStar.com

How Will Conservatism Become Credible Again?
Rep. Paul Ryan, The New Ledger

Conservatism bestirs itself
Roger Kimball, Roger's Rules, PajamasMedia

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation
Kyle Trygstad, RealClearPolitics.com

Ryan calls for unity among Republicans
Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Daniels Comments on GOP at Hudson Institute Panel
Eric Berman, WIBC 93.1 FM

June 4

Daniels' prescription for GOP: Look ahead, connect with voters
Maureen Groppe, Gannett News Service and IndyStar.com

A Return to Conservatism? Be Patient
Kyle Trygstad, RealClearPolitics.com

Daniels Says No to 2012
Chris Cillizza, in the Washington Post's Political Digest

Indiana Governor Calls for 'Empathy'
Washington in 5 Minutes, The Washington Times

Mitch Daniels in Washington: For a return to compassionate conservatism, against 'shock and awe statism,' rebuffs prez speculation
Scott Fluhr, HoosierAccess.com

"Mitch Daniels Continues to Woo [Me]":http://bluecountyredstate.blogspot.com/2009/06/mitch-daniels-continues-…"
"Buzzcut," Blue County in a Red State

June 5

"Mitch Daniels: 'Slim pickings' in GOP, 'outright meanness' on the left":http://washingtonexaminer.com/mitch-daniels-slim-pickings-in-gop-outrig…
Byron York, Washington Examiner

"Can Mitch Daniels Save the GOP?":http://www.indianagazette.com/news/opinions/byron-york-can-mitch-daniel…
Byron York, Washington Examiner

"Bradley Day in D.C.":http://gop3.com/2009/06/05/bradley-day-in-dca
Daniel Suhr, Gop3.com: The Triumvirate

June 7

"Daniels in 2012? Maybe 2016":http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20090607/EDIT0501/306079932/1002/…
Sylvia Smith, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

June 8

"Our Man Mitch":http://www.kpcnews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=395…
Staff Reports, KPCNews.com

June 11

"Has a New Liberal Era Begun?":http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/article/20090611/OPINION02/90611…
Chuck Raasch, Ganette
- appeared in Zanesville Times Recorder

June 12

"What Would Daniels Do? ":http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/227696/what-would-daniels-do/ric…
Rich Lowry, National Review

For more transcripts, opinion pieces, and prepared remarks, or for additional information about the Bradley Center and its director, William Schambra, please visit our web page.

Thank you for your interest!

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