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Expert Abramowitz, Michael Adelman, Carol Aibel, Alexander Alaaldin, Ranj Albeck, Yair Alexiev, Alex Anderson, Jeffrey Arner, Kirk Asher, David Avery, Alex Awad, Mokhtar Ayalon, Ami Bakhshi, Uday Balzer, Kyle Bar, Shmuel Baran, Zeyno Barnett, James Barnett, Jesse Barnett, Jonathan Bayles, Martha Bebber, Robert BenLevi, Raphael Berti, Benedetta Billingslea, Marshall Bingen, Kari Blake, Brian Block, Josh Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense Bork, Ellen Bowie, Christopher Boyse, Matthew Bradley, Jennifer Brannon, Ike Brown, Brendan Brown, Eric Brown, William Bullough, Oliver Bunzel, Cole Butler, Alexander Campbell, Kurt Candland, Tara Cardello, Hank Carlisle, General Herbert “Hawk” Cavanaugh, Brian Celac, Sergiu Center for Science in Public Policy Center, China Chorev, Shaul Chou, William Choukkar, Meghana Christiansen, Kåre Groes Clark, Bryan Coffey, Luke Colibasanu, Antonia Costlow, Matthew Costlow, Matthew Cronin, Patrick Cropsey, Seth Cunniffe, Peter Curtis, Lisa Daremblum, Jaime David, Jack Davidson, Charles Davis, Bradley DeBiaso, Peppi DeMuth, Christopher DeSutter, Paula DiNanno, Thomas Dibb, Paul Doran, Michael Dorros, Gerald Ducaru, Sorin Duesterberg, Thomas Dungaciu, Dan Dworkin, Ronald Eaglen, Mackenzie Eggers, Frederick Elad-Altman, Israel Enos, Olivia Fair, C. Feith, David Feith, Douglas Filipoff, Dmitry Firestone, Thomas Fonte, John Ford, Christopher Fota, Iulian Fradkin, Hillel French, Steve Fried, Tsiporah Friedson, Idalia Frumkin, Peter Furchtgott-Roth, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Harold Galston, William Geller, Patty-Jane Global Prosperity, Center for Gowan, Richard Grant, Rebecca Greenwalt, William Greenway, Robert Grossman, Danielle Gupta, Kirti Haddad, Benjamin Haqqani, Husain Hartline, Devlin Hayashi, Taro Heinrichs, Rebeccah Helwig, Brayden Hendrix, Jerry Herman, Arthur Herzinger, Blake Hess, Frederick Hoell, Maximilian Hone, Trent Horner, Charles Horowitz, Michael Hossain, Maneeza Hubbard, Glenn Huygens, Hans Institute, Hudson Ionita, Cosmin Ishii, Masafumi Islam, Democracy and Future of the Muslim World, Center for Isomura, Jun Isozaki, Komei Jackson, Bruce Jackson-Sadlosky, Brandi Joseph, Robert Joyce, James Judah, Ben Kahn, Herman Kane, Tim Kasapoğlu, Can Kass, Amy Kass, Leon Kelly, Andrew Kennedy, Craig Kim, Youngjun Klier, Thomas Kochis, Daniel Krepinevich Jr., Andrew Kuchins, Andrew Kuttner, Hanns Kyl, Jon Landrieu, Mary Lane, Lee Laurinavicius, Marius Lee, John Lee, Kennedy Lee, Lavina Lee, Shin-ae Lewis, Megan Li, Belinda Li, Jeffrey Libby, Lewis Lindberg, Tod Lord, Ellen Lund, Sune Luu, Hieu Malpass, David Marano, Kacie Marlowe, Ann Marques de Morais, Rafael Marshall, Paul Martel, Leon McCown, Brigham McGrath, Bryan McMaster, H.R. Mead, Walter Menon, Rajan Meservey, Joshua Metcalf, Heidi Michel, Casey Miles, Wilson Milik, Arthur Misztal, Blaise Mossoff, Adam Moumen, Fouad Murano, Masashi Murray, David Nagao, Satoru Natsios, Andrew Ngo, Ngoc Norris, Jeremiah O'Rielly, Michael O, Tara Odgaard, Liselotte Oldmixon, Seth Oman, Ralph Osenga, Kristen O’Farrell, Ryan Pagano, Daley Pande, Aparna Parello-Plesner, Jonas Parsie, Yashar Patt, Dan Petrovčič, Urška Pickett, Neil Pieciukaitis, Aurimas Lukas Piontkovsky, Andrei Pompeo, Michael Poole, Jr., Robert Poole, Laren Pregent, Michael Pressman, Adam Prosor, Ron Przystup, James Pugliese, Giulio Putnam, Jonathan Ravich, Samantha Richardson, Sophie Riskin, Elias Roberts, Michael Roth, Arielle Rough, Peter Roughead, Gary Rousselle, Adam Rubin, Michael Rumi, Raza Russell, Kimberly Samson, Elizabeth Samus, Mykhailo Sands, Christopher Satter, David Schachter, Jonathan Schadlow, Nadia Schambra, William Schneider, William Schoenfeld, Gabriel Schwartz, Bryan Schwartz, Joel Scutaru, George Seraphin, Arun Shaker, Romany Shea, Nina Sheshinski, Eytan Shugart, Thomas Shulsky, Abram N. Sibley, Nate Siegel, Mark Singer, Max Siyech, Mohammed Skylar Mastro, Dr. Oriana Smith, Lee Smith, Michael Soskis, Benjamin Spantchak, Yulya Sracic, Paul Stelzer, Irwin Stitt, Charles Swift, Admiral Scott Tadros, Samuel Talmor, Angélique Tellis, Arthur Tepp, Steven Thoburn, Hannah Tourangeau, Melinda Tourangeau, Steve Troy, Tevi Truitte, Kevin Tully, Ryan Turkel, Nury Walsh, Michael Walters, John Walters, Riley Walton, Timothy Warren, Lauren Watanabe, Tsuneo Wear, Anouk Weicher, John Weinberger, Jerry Weinstein, Kenneth Weiss, Caleb Weiss, Jason Weitz, Richard Wesley, Lieutenant General Eric Westrop, Sam Whyte, Leon Wiener, Anthony Wilkins, Thomas Wimbush, S. Enders Wohlstetter, John Wolfson, Jeffrey Woo, Yeseul Yeaw, Christopher Yoshizaki, Tomonori Yu, Miles Zaslavskiy, Ilya Zweig, Matthew for Peace and Security in the Middle East, Center Özkizilcik, Ömer