Charles Davidson
Former Executive Director, Kleptocracy Initiative

October 2018
Past Event
Countering Russian Money Laundering: Lessons from Latvia
Featured Speakers:
Charles Davidson
Joshua Kirschenbaum
Andris Teikmanis
Nicolas Veron
Ilze Znotiņa

September 2018
Past Event
The Enablers: How Western Professionals Import Corruption and Strengthen Authoritarianism
Featured Speakers:
Charles Davidson
Elise Bean
Mark Hays
Ben Judah
Nate Sibley

May 2018
Past Event
Dismantling Russian Transnational Crime Organizations: A Conversation with José Grinda Gonzalez
Featured Speakers:
Judge José Grinda Gonzalez
Charles Davidson
Ben Judah
Sebastian Rotella

May 2018
Past Event
Dismantling Russian Transnational Crime Organizations: A Conversation with José Grinda Gonzalez
Spain’s Judge José Grinda Gonzalez and U.S. experts discuss investigating and prosecuting Russian organized crime

Featured Speakers:
Judge José Grinda Gonzalez
Charles Davidson
Ben Judah
Sebastian Rotella
April 2018
Past Event
Countering Russian Kleptocracy
Featured Speakers:
Charles Davidson
Clay Fuller
Jeffrey Gedmin
Ben Judah
Nate Sibley

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Demonstrators hold pictures of Nasser Zafzafi, leader of the Rif region's protest movement, during a demonstration against corruption, repression and unemployment in the northern city of al-Hoceima, Morocco, May 29, 2017 (FADEL SENNA/Getty Images)

U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) speaks during a news conference October 7, 2010 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The Great Hall of the People during the second plenary session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's parliament, on March 9, 2006 in Beijing, China. (Guang Niu/Getty Images)