February 2021
Past Event
Virtual Event | Corruption in International Sports: Delivering Justice with the Rodchenkov Act
Featured Speakers:
Paul Massaro
Julia Pacetti
Nate Sibley
Travis Tygart
Jim Walden
Joseph Gillespie

February 2021
Past Event
Virtual Event | Corruption in International Sports: Delivering Justice with the Rodchenkov Act
Join Hudson Institute for an expert panel discussion on how enforcement of the Rodchenkov Act can help clean up doping fraud in international sports,

Featured Speakers:
Paul Massaro
Julia Pacetti
Nate Sibley
Travis Tygart
Jim Walden
Joseph Gillespie
May 2020
Past Event
Video Event | Coronavirus and Corruption: How Kleptocracy Threatens the Global Response
Featured Speakers:
Abigail Bellows
Elaine Dezenski
Paul Massaro
Nate Sibley

May 2020
Past Event
Video Event | Coronavirus and Corruption: How Kleptocracy Threatens the Global Response
Governments are spending trillions of dollars to contain the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate economic consequences of sweeping lockdowns. But as popul

Featured Speakers:
Abigail Bellows
Elaine Dezenski
Paul Massaro
Nate Sibley
October 2017
Past Event
How Non-State Actors Export Kleptocratic Norms to the West
Featured Speakers:
Ilya Zaslavskiy
Jeffrey Gedmin
David Kramer
Louise Shelley
Sarah Chayes
Ambassador Richard D. Kauzlarich
Paul Massaro
Charles Davidson

October 2017
Past Event
How Non-State Actors Export Kleptocratic Norms to the West
Ilya Zaslavskiy, Jeffrey Gedmin, David Kramer, Louise Shelley, Sarah Chayes, Richard Kauzlarich, Charles Davidson, Paul Massaro on kleptocratic norms

Featured Speakers:
Ilya Zaslavskiy
Jeffrey Gedmin
David Kramer
Louise Shelley
Sarah Chayes
Ambassador Richard D. Kauzlarich
Paul Massaro
Charles Davidson
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